That One Perfect Gift

That One Perfect Gift

 Over the years, hunting for birthday or special occasion gifts hasn't always been easy. Perhaps you select something that was requested. Other times, flowers or a gift card are just right.

 But sometimes you found that one special gift; like a rare find, the one I couldn't wait to give! The one you know is..The One. To witness your gift being opened and revealed, eyes wide, the recipient blown away and your insides shout 'yes!' Perhaps a limited edition book, tickets to a sold out show, a cake you baked or homemade gift. It truly is the thought that counts.

 I recall the grand opening of a local holistic care studio. The new owner had been to my office many times, and admired a white plaster mask with index finger held to the lips. We call him “the Shush Guy”. It took a bit of hunting to find another one, but the glee on her face upon opening her very own Shush Guy was priceless.

 Another time, I built zany clues around town for a scavenger hunt as a birthday gift. It took scheming and the agreement of many to play along, but made lasting memories and fun. There’ve been others, and I hope you’ve experienced that warm feeling too, when you find that one perfect gift for someone and can’t wait to give it. 

The joy we receive in the giving is a heart boomerang.

 For my birthday last month. I was on the receiving end of such a gift. One that took my breath away for the thought, effort and care that went into it. One that my son knew would bring his mother joy. Recently taking up stained glass as a hobby, he designed and created it, and I adore it! It’s hanging up in the office. I'm hoping a lot of you recognize it, and, I can’t pass up this teaching opportunity. :-)

Ben, I know you know how special your gift is to me. Enjoy the heart boomerang..


 Atlas/C1.. Life begins at the top, and C1, the first of the 24 vertebrae, is definitely worth having its own name. Named for Atlas, the god of Greek mythology who held up the weight of the world, Altas glides freely and balances our skull and moves in a range like no other. And did you know? The design of this vertebra looks exactly the same in every mammal!

Years ago, I had the opportunity to hold the Atlas vertebra of a whale in my hands! Whoa. It was huge, like a truck’s steering wheel huge. That big opening, foramen magnum in the center is where the brain stem passes. For a whale whose brain weighs about 6 pounds and whose length was a bit longer than a school bus, it was miraculous to hold. How about a bat, a giraffe or a kitten? That C1 vertebra, except for size looks exactly the same. It's an amazing design for the encasement of the nerve system to begin its journey outside of the cranium.

 Atlas is so important that it's checked for subluxation at every visit.

Years ago I was privileged to check a newborn, just one day old. I love it when parents schedule to have their infant checked, and this little one was so new she was yet unnamed! She was perfect, though had one crossed eye. (Note: it’s not why I checked her. The birth process can create tension to the spine and checking early gives the best opportunity to begin a life of health and full expression.)

 As it happened, her mother too had a crossed eye as a young girl which was surgically corrected. This baby girl was gently adjusted and her innate wisdom released the tension created by the C1 subluxation I located. Her eye muscle relaxed, balanced and she gazed at me. The joy of giving that gift of clear nerve flow is powerful. Another heart boomerang.

 How do you know if you have a subluxation? The answer is that you don't. That's my training; to locate analyze and correction subluxations so you can express vitality.

 Subluxations are often very silent, creating stress and loss of ease in the body over time. That’s why it's so important to have your spine checked, regardless of how you feel. How often to get checked? People choose to get their spines checked on a regular basis whatever that means for them. I get checked once a week, as I know this is best for me to both live full out and to best serve you.


So, be sure to look for my birthday gift, the stained glass Atlas gift that's hanging in the garden window. You can see how it looks with the light shining through. And that is the whole point: when your spine is clear of interference your light is shining through too!

If you know somebody that needs more light in their life please have them call to get their spine checked. Pass on your gift of knowledge about Chiropractic. No wrapping paper required! That could be your one perfect gift to someone.


I've taken these few days to travel to Sherman College for continuing education and renew my spirit in the profession, both sharing and learning. The next time I see you my Chiropractic tank will be full and ready to serve.

 Happy May and a special shout out to my 90 year old mom and to all of my wonderful Chiromoms out there.

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